'Parallel state' is panacea for all troubles

1) An intelligence report indicating that Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab bribed some ministers was given to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan by the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) eight months ago. But the prime minister reassigned 6,000 police officers and hundreds of prosecutors because nobody was aware of a police operation that took place on Dec. 17. The question is clear: Did MİT send a report to you, Erdoğan, about Zarrab? If it did, why did you not do anything? If not, what sort of intelligence agency is this?

Answer: Parallel state.

2) It has been said that Iran laundered $100 billion, that not a penny in taxes was paid and that 5 percent of this amount was given as a bribe. What will you say about this?

Answer: Parallel state.

3) How would you comment on the luxury watch (worth TL 700,000) given to former Minister Zafer Çağlayan as a bribe?

Answer: Parallel state.

4) A legal summary of the investigation proceedings was drafted regarding some ministers over bribery charges. You argue that the greatest thief is those who steal the popular will, but you have taken measures to ensure that this summary is not deliberated on at Parliament, which reflects the popular will. Why is that?

Answer: Parallel state.

5) What do you think about the bags filled with money sent to some ministers and their kids and the money found in shoeboxes in the house of the Halkbank general manager?

Answer: Parallel state.

6) What would you say about the money transfer from one single account in the amount of $100 million to the Foundation of Youth and Education in Turkey (TÜRGEV) that your children founded?

Answer: Parallel state.

7) Ümraniye Municipality handed social facilities made for the general public to TÜRGEV. Your kids built a school there and received TL 15,000 per student. What would you say about this?

Answer: Parallel state.

8) What do you have to say about allegations that you did your kids a favor by making changes to development plans and that you even made a new law?

Answer: Parallel state.

9) What do you have to say about allegations claiming that you bypassed municipal assemblies to acquire valuable land by involving the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning?

Answer: Parallel state.

10) It has become clear that your in-laws have many villas and other pieces of real estate. What would you say about their land, which is worth TL 55 million?

Answer: Parallel state.

11) It is argued that you sent arms to al-Qaeda by using MİT. You treat the prosecutors, police officers, gendarmes and commanders as if they are enemy forces. What is your comment on this?

Answer: Parallel state.

12) The minister of culture and tourism took action to ensure that an area that should normally be protected because it is a historic area was reserved for BİM so that it could build a depot. The 2,000-year-old mosaics found on this site were treated as if they had no historical significance. And the minister of culture and tourism was involved. What do you say?

Answer: Parallel state.

11) The zoning plans of lands are changed so that villas are permitted; it is alleged that university professors were bribed to change their opinions and that governors and police officers were reassigned to other posts. What do you say?

Answer: Parallel state.

12) It is alleged that you collected $630 million from businessmen and that you fixed tenders for these businessmen and erased their tax requirements. What is your response to this allegation?

Answer: Parallel state.

13) It turns out that you couldn't stand news reports -- or even captions -- that opposed you, and even though you were all the way in Morocco, you called TV executives in Turkey to make sure that these reports were not broadcast. It is also alleged that you put pressure on the media to censor itself. What do you say?

Answer: Parallel state.

14) Relatives of a minister were taped receiving bribes. It turns out they used a jammer to cover up their crimes. What do you say?

Answer: Parallel state.

14) It is said that a scholar, who you dubbed the scholar of this century, gave a fatwa to support you in exchange for a bribe. What do you say?

Answer: Parallel state.

15) It turns out that the prosecutor -- who shelved an indictment by another prosecutor who initiated an investigation into the sons of some ministers for allegedly taking bribes -- started drafting another indictment. He was actually convicted of making unlawful profits in the past. What do you say?

Answer: Parallel state.

16) Are you aware that in order to cover up the bribery and corruption probes, you paralyzed the heart and soul of your supporters and the system of the state?

Answer: Parallel state, the panacea for all troubles.

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