History will record this as well

And this too shall pass and be overcome. As many other problems and painful experiences are left behind, this storm will also become part of history someday. We will be held to account for all of our deeds, even those committed in secret, in the next world. Given that this is reality and that we strongly and firmly believe in it, we will keep walking our path without taking any instance of infidelity to heart.And we also make brief notes for the coming generations; let God be the judge on the day of judgment of who was right and who was wrong.

Karbala: We did not believe it when we saw the draft bill seeking to close down the prep schools (or transform or expropriate them). What we felt was utter disappointment. Most of our friends were fasting that day. It was the 10th day of the sacred month of Muharram, the day Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, was martyred. I am shocked; we were shocked. We prayed, waiting for somebody to say that it wasn't true. Sadly, nobody did so. I was unable to understand why such a draft was prepared in the first place. After briefly asking around, I found that nobody was actually eager to contribute to this. Everybody was saying, “I swear to God; I have no idea; I do not support this; but this is what is wanted.” And this was even sadder because the public cannot be blamed for any decision that runs contrary to conscience. And the people will not accept this draft and decision.

Applauders: And then a group of applauders took action. They made headlines, they delivered bold speeches. Some of the liberal and pro-freedom people who, until recently, said that the prep schools would not be closed, that their signs would just be taken down, are now yelling, “Close them! Close them!”

Those whose hearts believed the promise that only their signs would be taken down -- do they not feel fooled, I wonder? Those promises were delivered by a minister who was directly involved in the matter. However, the draft said something radically different. Is it proper to praise the political administration, ignoring the grave contradiction between its words and deeds? It would be a lie to say that I did not recall lines from poet Necip Fazıl, who said, "I have become neither prostitute nor womanizer of the idea / A conscience, I can't know, how much money it costs."

Undoubtedly, the veracity of the thoughts of those who write and those who speak will one day be judged. Is it possible not to feel sad for those who will feel embarrassed on that day?

Pressure: Prep schools will be there as long as there are central exams. There is no plausible explanation to close them down in the presence of so many problems in the education system. For this reason, people believe that it is nonsense to force the closure of these prep schools, and those who have been surveyed underline this fact. However, some of these people who have shared their opinion with the public have been contacted by public authorities; local officials have asked these people why they gave such messages. They have been insulted and berated. There is no reasonable explanation for the attempts to silence opinion leaders, columnists and sector representatives. If people have not changed their minds despite strong recommendations and efforts, some other measures have been used to put pressure on them. And they think that all these would be forgotten some day. Never! Everything will eventually settle down and everybody will then narrate what happened to them. There are hundreds of examples of this in history. All efforts and plots staged secretly will some day be revealed and exposed, and the perpetrators will experience the shame of it.

Conspiracy: Some people who hold prejudices vis-à-vis the Hizmet movement are exerting great effort to make sure this issue is taken to a political platform. They are developing strategies in their so-called think tanks. There is a tank, but no thinking. And they certainly do not welcome any opposite thinking. And they implicitly give tactics, referring to the so-called parallel structures. In this way, they are trying to make comparisons to the extensions of terror organizations. However, we need to focus on these facts: 1) We are discussing education issues, there is no need to divert the facts; 2) A parallel structure will raise doubts and suspicions on the persons who pay attention to this and direct their friends in the government there. And their plot will be detrimental to them some day, and this will make the valuable persons who are working in the government very upset.

Sense of sacrifice: We are dedicated to praising those who serve this nation and to allocating the best place in our hearts to them. We are still committed to this. However, it is impossible to ignore the lack of empathy in some of our friends. We are obligated to oppose any measures imposed by force on the people that are plans to destroy any beneficial service. To forget this opposition and the efforts of this movement when there is a case to dissolve the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) through legal measures, the voice of conscience must be kept strong. Particularly those who are considered closer because of their orientation. We should note that the secret of sacrifice, the legacy of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, requires empathy for others. Would you consent to a bulldozer destroying an enterprise or an initiative you have put great effort into? If you consent to the destruction of a house (be it a prep house or madrasah), let alone a huge enterprise established by thousands of people or a movement that became a reality due to the efforts of millions, would not Bediüzzaman feel offended given that he, despite being poisoned many times, stood firm against cruelty and pressure? We need to listen to our conscience and have a sense of brotherhood. This storm will someday calm down and then if you do otherwise, you will realize that you actually contradicted Bediüzzaman, who you argued is your mentor.

Instigation: Instigation is main indicator of a hypocrite. In addition, those who engage in provocation are clever and intelligent. For this reason, they use various means and distort the facts. And sometimes, people may become a victim of such instigation out of their naiveté. Lying, misusing facts and breaking promises destroys your own world as well as the worlds of others. The utmost attention is needed to figure out what is instigation in this world of lies. You should investigate the source of the chain of events to locate who made these plans behind the scenes and then submitted these plans to persons with good intentions. You should also do this to identify those who, when caught red-handed, resorted to propaganda tactics despite their previous statements. Only if you do this, will you identify the main instigators and provokers.

In conclusion: It is so sad to see that the lack of a sense of sacrifice, altruism or helping others has spread like a virus, taking hostage people's souls. Hedonism reigns in people's lives. People are losing their souls because of their attention to material gains. Despite this horrible picture, there is no need for to feel hopeless. If fate has made its decision, of course, then everybody will face this huge test. Where people stand will be measured by this test of sincerity, brotherhood, altruism, commitment, dedication, fidelity…

People will face many times the tests Bediüzzaman's works speak of. And history will someday narrate the stories of those who enjoined what is right and valuable. More importantly, everybody will answer in the afterworld for their intentions, plans and actions. May God save all of us from bringing shame upon ourselves.

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