
Conscience, which has a central position in a person’s being and is the feeling that he or she is a human being, is a spiritual mechanism which wills, feels, perceives and is always open to eternity.

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The willpower, feeling, mind and heart which are the “senses” or faculties of the perceptiveness of the spirit, are also the most important dynamics of conscience, by which a person is able to attain human perfection in this world and eternal happiness and vision of the Almighty in the next.

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Conscience is a pure, bright mirror to the existence of God and is matchless in recognizing Him and making Him known to others, provided it finds spirits to feel its existence and ears to hear it.

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Since conscience is the feeling and perceptive faculty of the spirit, it has always been regarded as open to the realms beyond, uncontained by space, having sound criteria and as pure as angels.

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Duty is what God commands and Prophets carry out and communicate to others. Everyone must accept it and set themselves to do it. God, the Ultimate Truth, is the Absolute Judge and conscience is the purest mirror to Him. It reflects clearly whatever it reflects, even though it sometimes becomes cloudy.

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There are many judges and muftis and almost all of them issue verdicts based on the same sources, and yet their verdicts may differ. But the conscience is a judge or mufti with such penetrating insight that it can issue verdicts based on truths and its verdicts will deceive no one.

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Since collective conscience serves as an unerring and undeceiving judge, everyone should resign themselves to its verdicts and affirm it as a referee in their disputes.

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Collective conscience means the perception, discernment and insight of the great majority of people and therefore rarely errs, especially when its knowledge is corroborated by a Divinely inspired source.

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The more intellectually and spiritually disciplined one is, the more consistent and harmonious one’s thoughts and actions are. The more open to the realms beyond one’s conscience is, the more Divinely inspired and guided one’s manners are.

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