What effect does the Gülen Movement’s mobilization have on segmentation in Turkish society?

It says much for the Gülen Movement’s reflexivity, and its success in weakening or removing barriers between people, that it has enabled even those who have no part in its work to reflect on the irrational polarization, rigid separation and closure between different collective entities in Turkish society. The term used to denote such polarization is “segmentation.”

Hizmet’s positive and constructive action acts as a bulwark against segmentation, polarization and alienation and disintegration in a complex society. The Gülen Movement’s educational and cultural project-networks and service-networks help to increase social mobility. Through the media it gives people access to information and a wide variety of opinions and contributes to keeping society properly informed on social and cultural issues and developments.

In its own discourse and action it is never contentious or conflictual and consistently lays stress on transparency, lawfulness and legality. When political actors cause societal tension, Hizmet’s discourse is calming and urges seeking consensus on vital issues relating to the public and common good.

Hizmet is open to and encourages others to be open to alternative initiatives and liaison between like-minded peaceful civil actors. Last but not least the Gülen Movement helps to keep youth, the most fervent, volatile and easily provoked group in any society away from tensions, clashes and violence.

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