How does the Gülen Movement overcome the risk of internal conflicts and factionalism?

Fethullah Gülen

The Gülen Movement is not an exclusivist and ideological organization or movement. It does not rely on symbolic incentives such as a sacred cause, revolutionary brotherhood, or martyrdom. That kind of reliance increases the risk of internal conflicts and factionalism.

The Gülen Movement does not have a doctrinal orthodoxy, is not an exclusivist organization, and has not suffered any internal disagreement over tactics, goals, or personalities. Also, as the different networks have specific tasks and interests and respond in different ways to the pressing needs of the environment, they do not compete for power. Moreover, as solidarity is not a goal and is not artificially generated, so it cannot be exploited to form factions.

In service networks there is little significant differentiation of hierarchical roles, and the parameters of projects and rewards for them do not differ a great deal. Furthermore, the tasks which require functional specialization are already carried out by professionalized individuals or networks for the SMOs. People in the Gülen Movement co-operate for reasonable, feasible and promising projects which are selected after extensive consultation. So participants do not delude themselves with impractical projects or passing whims. The Gülen Movement has for years tested, proved and learned from their projects, including all kinds of educational efforts and institutions. In the context of the Gülen Movement, therefore, groups of participants cannot and do not abruptly break away and launch into uncharted waters.

In short, the processes of consultation, networking and professionalization prevent the emergence of tensions and factions in the Gülen Movement.

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