04.01.1996Attended an awards ceremony at the Ciragan Palace of Istanbul.
16.01.1996Gave an analysis of the assassination of Mr. Sabanci the terrorist activity in general.
20.01.1996Gave a substantial donation to the Police Department.
22.01.1996Personally attended to the wake of Mr. Kasim Gulek.
03.02.1996Attended and broke fast at dining at the Ankara, Hilton Hotel.
26.03.1996Paid a get-well visit to Mr.Aydin Menderes.
04.04.1996Met with Patriarch Bartholemeos.
18.04.1996Received an award from the TUSIAV Foundation.
21.04.1996At the Olympic awards, ceremony said "The achievement of the schools amounts to Turkey's voice being heard around the globe".
01.06.1996Paid a visit to Mr. Aydin Menderes in the United States.
17.09.1996Personally attended to the wake of Hanife Ustaoglu.
19.09.1996Gave an interview to the Aktuel Money Magazine on the subject of education.
24.09.1996Gave a briefing based on his visit to Mr. Mesut Yilmaz.
30.09.1996Gave a speech on the third anniversary of the Journalists and Writers Foundation at the meeting in titled "Hand-in-Hand for Happy Tomorrows"
15.10.1996Gave an interview to the Bulgarian Newspaper, Trud.
03.11.1996Gave an interview to a Bulgarian television station.
08.11.1996Gave journalists his views on various subjects.
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